John Waters is pure genius. I watched Hairspray two days back, and its an absolute delight. Tracy Turnblad is like this cute little yellow ball (for the lack of a better word -.-) who jumps around in her little land of Baltimore, filled with happines, joy, sunshine, rainbow and other things that smile, oblivious to the dangers that lurk in the dark corners, such as body image issues, racism and a judgemental society. But in spite of all the innocene and naivety, she does the right thing and sings away to glory. I also LOVED Edna Turnblad or Divine, the king of drag queens and I am not ashamed to admit that I adore drag queens, they are funny and witty and sassy and so BAD ASS. The songs are without a doubt, out of the world and its amazing how such deep rooted issues have been tackled so effortlessly, that too in the form of a musical. The costumes and the sets are excellent but then its no surprise, where Waters is concerned because his movies have this distinct alien element to them which is pleasantly weird.
I also happened to watch the 2008 remake of the musical with ZAC EFRON in it and he looks like such a lost little (I'm using 'little' too much these days. little little little little little little) sweetheart who doesn't know which side to take because all his life, his parents have been bullying him into taking decisions (okay, so this is what I interpreted and YOU HAVE TO AGREE. I DO NOT CARE) but then he comes to his senses and sings that cutesy love song while Tracy dances in her picture. Oh, well. Edna Turnblad is JOHN TRAVOLTA. Of all people.
The old original Hairspray (1998)

The old original Hairspray (1998)